Elements Air Lite FAQ


The term “Nano” is a measurement and not an object and is a direct and sole reference to the scale of the molecules in the specific material. One “nanometre” (nm) equals one millionth of a millimetre.

Examples of nano-materials in nature that exists without any human modification are the water repelling structures on a lotus leaf, a gecko’s ability to walk on glass, the UV protection in the edelweiss plant, anti reflective eyes of moths, and the fact that milk is nano-protein particles suspended in water.

Elements Air lite are compsed of a preparation of silanes and modifies polysiloxanes at a nano scale.


In short, silanes is a naturally occurring chemical element, whereas silicone is a   substance.

Silicon easily bonds with oxygen and is rarely found in nature in its pure form. You’ve likely seen silicon as silicon dioxide or silica, better known as quartz, which is the most common component of sand.

Silica also comes in other mineral forms, such as flint, jasper and opal. When silicon and oxygen mix with reactive metals, the result is a class of minerals called silicates, which includes granite, feldspar and mica.

As silica, silicon is a key ingredient in bricks, concrete and glass. In its silicate form, the element is used to make enamels, pottery and ceramics. This mineral is used in abundance in the ceramic industry in clay and glazes.

Silicone, by contrast, is a synthetic polymer made up of silicon, oxygen and other elements, most typically carbon and hydrogen. Silicone is generally a liquid or a flexible, rubber-like plastic, and has a number of useful properties, such as low toxicity and high heat resistance.


The difference between Air and Air Lite is in the strength and composition.

Deciding on what strength of sealer you need and what the purpose of the ceramics piece will be, will lead you to making a decision between Air and Air Lite.

Elements Air is an industrial grade food safe nano coating made from primarily made from Silicon Dioxide, a naturally occuring mineral.

Elements Air Lite is a commercial grade foodsafe nano coating primarily consisting of silanes and modified polysiloxanes.

Elements Air is an industrial strenght product and there fore suitable for ceramic pieces that need a lot of protection on a daily basis like restaurant ware or ceramics used on a daily basis with food.

Elements Air Lite is a commercial grade nano sealer more suited for functional ceramics pieces.

In deciding which product is suitable to use for you application, please have a look at the “When to use” section on both the Air and Air Lite FAQ pages for more information.

Please see the section on How do I use and apply Elements Air  Lite or the quick “How to Guide”

Please see the FAQ page on Elements Air Lite for further information.


Elements Air Lite can be recommended to seal unglazed decorative items such as vases, tea light holders, light fittings indoor and outdoor  sculptures etc.

Once Elements Air Lite has dried, it will not affect the natural look and feel of the unglazed clay. 

Elements Air  Lite was not designed to be applied over a glaze as a method to protect the glaze, as it will not adhere to the surface. It can however be used on the unglazed area of a piece next to a glazed area to protect the unglazed section. It will not adversely affect the glazed section of your piece.

Although Elements Air Lite will not adhere to a glaze, it is extremely effective to seal crazing and hair line cracks in items such as vases, that have been glazed. 

It is recommended to apply Elements Air Lite to all non-functional  unglazed surfaces as final treatment to protect and seal the underlying surface as it bonds chemically with the surface, it is not recommended on functional unglazed items that will be in use constantly, as it is not as strong as Elements Air.

If your piece contains glazed and unglazed sections, it is important that you clean the whole piece thoroughly after the recommended curing time, to remove all residu of the application on the glazed sections. This can be done with a soft cloth or sponge and a ph neutral cleaner.

If you use any toxic chemicals in your firing or any toxic ingredient that you’re not sure have burn out in the firing, the piece should be tested for leaching if it is going to be used as functional piece. 

Elements Air Lite can be used on  on a Raku glaze to seal the cracks and crazes that cause seeping.

It can be used on Copper Raku Glaze BUT, IT  CAN NOT BE USED ON THE COPPER FUME Raku technique, as the solvent carrier in Elements Air Lite will cancel the copper fume out. 

It also does not have the same properties as a resin, epoxy or a varnish that will keep under fired clay bodies that are inherently unstable together. It will therefore not be successful on an unstable surface that flakes, crumbles or is powdery in any way after a firing.

If your ware is low fired, it will make the surface water repellant and oleophobic, but it will not protect the pieces against chipping and scrapes, as the clay body is inherently weaker than a high fired clay body.

The success if this product is only as good as your pre-preparation of the surface of the piece and the fact that it needs to be completely dry and dirt/oil free before it is treated. Please see the sections on How do I use and apply Elements Air Lite? and A quick How to Guide for further info.


Elements Air is an industrial grade food safe advanced complete nano technology  SiO2 (Silicon Dioxide) formulation in a silicone free, low VOC hydrocarbon based solution coating system for unglazed ceramic surfaces.

Both Air and Air Lite can ONLY be used on unglazed functional and non-functional surfaces as a final treatment to protect the underlying surface, as it will not penetrate or adhere to a glazed or non porous surface!

It can be used over underglazes that have been cured and fired to manufacturer’s specifications. It can also be used to seal fine leaks and cracks caused by woodfiring.

Both Elements Air and  Air Lite can also be used to seal the fine cracks of crazed and crawled glazes. Using Elements Air  and Air Lite in this manner will prevent seepage and this will make the piece waterproof.  If you are using these types of glazes on functional ware, it is best to test for leaching first!

It can be applied to all types of unglazed fired pieces including bisque ware, vitrified clay bodies and all alternative firing methods like pit, smoke, saggar barrel, naked raku etc. I have used it successfully on Obvara pieces as well. It can also be used over unglazed post firing chemicals like soluble salts and chemicals like ferric chloride.

If you are going to use these chemicals on functional pieces, and you are not sure that it has all burned out at the temperatures you are firing, it is best to test for leaching first!

In deciding which product to use


It has been certified as food safe to the stringent European(EU) and German (BSG 15) and US FDA standards. Please send me an e-mail for  the Elements Air MSDS and food safety certification for more info.

It is a natural solution with antibacterial properties, and unlike a varnish does not form a film on the treated surface. It is a matt application and once dry and cured, forms a completely invisible layer on the surface.

Elements Air draws into the fired clay, and permeates and saturates the unglazed fired ceramic surface through capillary action on a nano particle level, and then self levels on the surface of the clay.

Elements Air can only be used on unglazed surfaces as a final treatment to protect the underlying surface, as it will not penetrate a glazed surface!

The advanced German technology behind this product generates a 2D & 3D nano-net-matrix during the curing process, which reduces the penetration ability of water up to 99,98%.

The nano-coating generates a hydrophobic (water repellant) and oleophobic (oil and fat repellant) properties without changing the natural look and features of the treated surface.

And since the nano-net-matrix forms such a dense but invisible seal, dirt and other environmental contaminants and deposits cannot stick to the coated surface and can thus be easily removed.

After full curing time of 5-7 days, the nano-net-matrix produced by  Elements Air, hardens to the extent of being resistant to chemicals such as bases and acids between the range pH 2-13.

Elements Air also protects treated ceramics surfaces from water ingress, pollution, algae and moss, efflorescence and staining.

Please send me an email for the Elements Air MSDS and visit the How do I use and apply Elements Air? section below for more info about the remarkable properties and “how to use” instructions of this product. 


Benefits of using Elements Air

Certified to European(EU), German Food Article and Feed Law (BSG 15) & US FDA standards once fully cured

  • dishwasher safe up to 300°c: Please see the section on dishwasher safety under the FAQ’s section.
  • contains silver nanoparticles fully bonded to the treated surface resulting in antibacterial properties of the coating
  • hydrophobic : treated surface is water repellant up to 99,98%
  • oleophobic: oil & grease resistant : contaminants can be easily removed from surfaces after treatment
  • treated surfaces reduce the need for harsh cleaning chemicals & detergents
  • acids & alkali resistant in the pH range 2-13
  • treated surfaces are alcohol and chemical resistant
  • prevents mould, algae, fungus, scale & efflorescence
  • UV resistant & 100% breathable
  • adds an extra layer of hardness and abrasive resistance to fully vitrified clay surfaces

How do I apply Elements Air?

The success of the Elements Air application depends solely on you preparation of the surface.

Please see the IGTV section on the Elements_Ceramics Instagram account for demonstration videos on the different application methods.

The most important aspect to remember is that the surface that Elements Air is applied to is STABLE and COMPLETELY dry and free from any dust, oil, or any residue from your choice of firing. Elements Air will not adhere to any surface that is flaking, dusty or crumbling. Elements Air is also not designed to hold together an under fired clay body like an epoxy or glue would do.

Clean surfaces that has any carbon or organic matter or any other debri with a brush that will not scratch the surface. Use a mild cleaner like a bicarbonate of soda solution, or a ph neutral or environmentally friendly dishwashing liquid or cream cleaner.

If you are cleaning an Obvara piece, use a soft sponge and take care to remove all the surface residue that that did not bond with the ceramic surface.

Rinse the piece to be treated well after cleaning sanding and scraping, and make sure the piece is totally dry before applying Elements Air. This can take a few days before all the water has evaporated, depending on the porosity of the piece. Cover with a light cloth while drying to prevent any dust from settling on the piece.

Always wear gloves when handling the clean pieces before and during sealing to prevent oil from your fingers contaminating the clean and dry surface before applying Elements Air.

Although the carrier in Elements Air is a low VOC, always wear a mask and gloves to protect your skin and lungs form any possible irritation or penetration that could permeate the skin.

If your piece contains glazed and unglazed sections, it is important that you clean the whole piece thoroughly after the recommended curing time, to remove all residu of the application on the glazed sections. This can be done with a soft cloth or sponge and a ph neutral cleaner.

Shake the bottle well before use to ensure the even distribution of the active particles

  • use in a well ventilated area
  • do not apply on hot surfaces as the low VOC solvent carrier will evaporate fast before capillary penetration and nano particle bonding to surfaces are complete
  • do not apply in direct sunlight to prevent evaporation of solvent carrier before capillary penetration and nano particle bonding to surfaces are complete
  • make sure surfaces are absolutely clean, dry, dust and grease free
  • apply to unglazed ceramic surfaces only
  • depending on surface porosity of the ceramic pieces sealed, the spread rate is 20-200ml/sqm
  • apply until the surface does not absorb any more liquid and beading start to appear
  • high fired vitrified clay bodies will require less coating
  • porous & bisque fired clay bodies will require more coating
  • air dries to the touch in 60 minutes
  • it is recommended for best performance to leave the treated pieces to reach full curing time of 24 hrs to 7 days
  • can be painted, dipped, poured or sprayed


Please remember that regardless of the method used to cover the surface of the piece of fired ceramics with Elements Air, varied porosity in the same piece can occur caused by hot/cold spots in the kiln, mixed clay bodies or varying firing temperatures. This means that you have to watch out for any areas on the surface that will need more sealer than others. Especially when using a brushing, over pouring or spraying method.

Brushing: (recommended for small pieces or plates)

Use a soft brush and paint Elements Air over the clay surface, repeat this until the surface is completely wet and beading starts to appear on the surface. This means the surface is saturated and the clay body is not soaking up the liquid anymore. The amount of liquid used to achieve this will depend on the type of clay body and the porosity of the piece.

Pouring: (recommended for small pieces or plates)

Decant the liquid into a clean container and have another clean container at hand. Hold the piece over the empty container and pour the decanted liquid over the piece. Rotate the piece so that the total surface is covered and repeat until beading appears. The liquid can also be poured inside a piece and swirled around for 20-30 seconds for absorption to occur.

Dipping: (the preferred and recommended method for functional ware)

Decant the liquid in a container deep enough so that the liquid will cover the piece to be coated. Submerge the piece in the liquid for between 20-30 seconds while you agitate the container to ensure no air pockets. This is the most optimal application as it ensures that the entire surface is well coated and there are no missed spots.

Spraying: (recommended for all pieces but specifically large pieces)

This works for all pieces that needs to be treated but a spraying booth is recommended to catch any overspray. Larger sculptural works or external sculptural work that is too large to be painted or dipped can also be sprayed. Spray the surface taking care to cover all areas evenly until the liquid starts to bead on the surface. External work must be covered after is touch dry (allow a period of 60 minutes) to protect from dust, rain and water until the full curing period has been reached. (full curing time of 24 hrs to 7 days)

Drying and curing:

After application suspend the pieces while still wet on spacers (timber skewer sticks or timber dowel rods work well) or a dish drying rack over a non absorbent surface to dry. A plastic sheet covering a table works well. The aim is to limit contact between the surfaces of the pieces and the drying surface/ plastic sheet. As soon as treated pieces are touch dry it can be removed from the spacers and stored until the full curing period has been reached.

Care & Maintenance of items sealed with Elements Air:

Unglazed ceramic surfaces sealed with Elements Air are essentially self cleaning as the product is antibacterial, water repellant and oil repellent, and therefore resist staining from oil, grease, acids, alkalis & alcohol. Harsh chemical cleaners & detergents are not necessary and avoiding this wil prolong the life of the sealed surface. Items can simply be cleaned with a soft cloth or a sponge and a mild environmentally friendly cleaner.


If there are bits and pieces floating around in the liquid after it was used for sealing, pour it though a fine sieve before you pour it back into the bottle for storage.

Don’t let the liquid stand unattended and opened for a prolonged period of time as the carrier will start to evaporate, and this will affect the shelf life of Elements Air. Pour unused liquid as soon as possible back into the bottle and close the lid well. Store in a cool dry environment.

Elements Air functions much like a matt glaze in that foods with a high stain capacity like beetroot, tumeric etc can mark the surface, if it is left on the item for a prolonged period of time. This does not affect the properties of the sealer but it is advisable to rinse tableware as soon possible after use.

Ceramic pieces not sealed correctly may not be food safe. Although Elements Air adds an additional layer of protection to fired clay, the barrier it provides will be broken if the underlying substrate is crumbling, chipped or compromised.

Always test the sealer for effectiveness for its intended purpose on a small batch of your ceramics before volume production. Especially if a new clay, technique or firing method is used.

 The manufacturer’s warranty is limited to replacement of the product or a refund of the purchase price if the product is used as directed.


It all depends on the technique you are using and what you want to achieve.

 If you are using a deep penetrative carbon technique like sagger, barrel or pit firing, ELEMENTS AIR will be sufficient to protect your ceramics pieces in giving it that final coating after firing. With these techniques, the burning carbon penetrate relatively deep into the ceramic piece because of the length that it is exposed to the carbon process. Elements Air also leaves no noticeable residue or “look” on the surface. The ceramics surface looks completely natural after application and curing time. If this is what you need for your ceramics pieces, please see the section on ” WHAT IS ELEMENTS AIR AND HOW DOES IT WORK”

If you are using a shallow penetrative carbon technique on functional ceramic ware like Obvara, or marks done with horse hair or other hair and feathers etc that need extra protection against wear and tear, then you need to use ELEMENTS EARTH. With these techniques the fired clay body is typically not exposed to the burning carbon for a long time, and as a result does not penetrate deep into the clay. As I use high fired stoneware (1200 deg celsius) I  found that the Obvara signature started to wash out after a while. This started the search for a durable food safe sealer that I could use to protect my functional pieces. Elements Earth can leave a soft matt finish after the drying and curing time on the clay body, depending on how much you apply.  If you use these types of alternative firing techniques, and want to be sure that your ceramic pieces are adequately protected, please see the section “WHAT IS ELEMENTS EARTH AND HOW DOES IT WORK”  on the Elements Earth FAQ page.


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